mBlock 單元一:控制 Arduino Uno 主板上的 LED (mBlock Unit 1: Controlling the Arduino built-in LED )
2 min readNov 20, 2018
Arduino Uno 板子上有一顆 LED 旁邊標有 L 字母,這個 LED 燈有連接到數位腳位13號上面,
There is a built-in LED (which has ‘L’ letter beside it) on UNO board. The LED can be controlled by arduino digital pin 13.
本文要來控制這顆 LED 燈,程式積木如下:
The code block for controlling the LED is:
黃色框框為註解,可以不用輸入。(The yellow box is a comment.)
完成後積木後,按下編輯 ==> Arduino模式
Originally published at yunlinsong.blogspot.com on November 20, 2018.