Tinkercad Circuits:Three Responder(搶答器)
1 min readMar 10, 2019
本文使用TinkerCAD Circuits來示範 LED、按鈕(PushButton)、壓電式蜂鳴器(Piezo)的綜合應用:「搶答器」,每個按鈕有對應的LED燈與聲音。
This is an application: “Three Responders system”. The application uses LEDs, push buttons and a piezo to implement the system. Each push button has its own tone and turn on a LEDs when the push button is pressed.
- Arduino UNO R3 板子 x 1
- 杜邦線 jumper wire x 14
- LED x 3
- 小型麵包板 small breadboard x 1
- 100歐姆電阻 100 ohm resistor x 1
- 220歐姆電阻 220 ohm resistor x 3
- 10K歐姆電阻 10K ohm resistor x 3
- 壓電式蜂鳴器 Piezo x 1
- 按鈕 PushButton x 3
Push buttons are connected to Arduino UNO A2, A1, and A0.
LEDs are connected to Arduino UNO pin 9, 10, and 11.
Piezo is connected to Arduino pin 8.
程式碼(The Code):
示範影片(Demo Video):
範例連結(Example Link):
Originally published at yunlinsong.blogspot.com on March 10, 2019.