Tinkercad Circuits:光控自走車 Light-Controlled Car
本文將使用TinkerCAD Circuits來示範光感測器(Photoresistor)的應用:「光控自走車」。讀者也可參考本部落格的文章mBlock 單元十五:追光自走車。
This tutorial uses the light brightness to control a car. This car could be implemented by a Arduino with photoresistors. Before assembling the hardware, the simulation could be done with TinkerCAD circuits. The reader could read this article:”mBlock Unit 15: Light-Tracking Car” later.
1. Arduino UNO R3 板子 x 1
2. 光感測器模組 Photoresistor x 2
3. 直流馬達 DC motor x 2
4. 杜邦線 jumper wire x 10
5. 麵包板 small breadboard x 1
6. 10K 電阻 resistor x 2
Photoresistor is connected to Arduino UNO A2 and A0.
DC motor is connected to Arduino UNO pin 5 and pin 3.
程式碼(The Code):
示範影片(Demo Video):
範例連結(Example Link):
Originally published at yunlinsong.blogspot.com on February 7, 2019.