Tinkercad Circuits:避障自走車 Obstacle avoidance Car

Ping-Lun Liao
Jun 1, 2022



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本文將使用TinkerCAD Circuits來示範超音感測器 HC-SR04(Ultrasonic sensor)的應用:「避障自走車」。讀者也可參考本部落格的其他超音感測器的應用文章

This tutorial uses a HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor to do an obstacle avoidance car. Before assembling the hardware, the simulation could be done with TinkerCAD circuits.
1. Arduino UNO R3 板子 x 1
2. 光感測器模組 HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor x 1
3. 直流馬達 DC motor x 2
4. 杜邦線 jumper wire x 8
5. 麵包板 small breadboard x 1 電路(Circuit):

Trig pin is connected to Arduino UNO pin 12.

Echo pin is connected to Arduino UNO pin 13.
One DC motor is connected to Arduino UNO pin 5 and pin 6.
The other DC motor is connected to Arduino UNO pin 10 and pin 11.
程式碼(The Code):

範例連結(Example Link):

Originally published at https://yunlinsong.blogspot.com.



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